Analyze the meaning of...
E | 5 | Unbalanced, bad, war, stress, work, confusion, deceit, chaos or lies. Represents the masonic Compass and Square | AT&T, Grinch,Oz |
B | 2 | To be awake, enlighted, illuminated, knowing | Jesus, gold |
A | 1 | The top, the best, the key | IRS, Microsoft |
Y | 7 | Neutral, good or bad, indifferent. Real meaning of masonic G | Google, Shrek |
15 |
5 + 2 + 1 + 7 = 15 1 + 5 = 6
6 | An illuminated secret society member who has contributed to the Great work (which is keeping the masses at sleep!) | IBM, eBay, DELL |